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Tag: Cheque Bounce
What are the defences that the accused is likely to take in a cheque bounce case?
What is the average time in which a cheque bounce case is resolved?
Can I recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque?
Which court should I approach for filing a cheque bounce case?

Cheque Bounce Complaint
Get prompt legal advice in cheque bounce cases from our experienced lawyer. We contest or defend any cheque bounce case efficiently at an affordable price.

Can borrower raise defense that lender had no financial capacity to lend money?
Can the borrower raise the defense that the lender had no financial capacity to lend money? While noting the ingredients of Section 138 of the

Complaint Cannot Be Lead Under Section 138 of NI Act, Once The Accused And Complainant Enter Into A Settlement Agreement
A complaint cannot be led under Section 138 of the NI Act, once the Accused and Complainant entered into a settlement agreement between them. In

Salutation like Mr., M/s. not mandatory while drawing cheque and not ground for acquittal under Sec. 138 of NI Act.
Recently the Kerala High Court ruled that the salutation is not mandatory while drawing the cheque, if the same is not present then the accused

Adv. Swati Goud
M.Com, LL.M
Result driven Criminal & Civil Lawyer with 7+ years of experience ensuring legality of all aspects.

Adv. Supriya Kamble
B.Com, LL.B. (Spl.)
Family Litigation Laywer and Consumer Protection Advisor with 7+ years of experience in the legality of all aspects.