What it is?
If you are looking for a registration or notary service for any legal document, then you are at the right place. We SS Law Firm will take care of all your legal documentation needs including drafting, vetting, and registration of legal documents.
What do we offer?
We ensure hassle-free completion of registration work through an expert drafting lawyer. Our genuine and professional registration service is synchronized with local Govt./Semi-Govt. Registration Authority i.e. District Registrar/Sub-Registrar and Notary Public, so that running process and completion work smoothly.
We offer legal documentation services with drafting and registration Notary of such affidavit as per instructions/format issued by the authority in quick time; the details are as below :
- Affidavit(s): Various affidavits are required to be submitted in various Govt./Private offices for certain purposes such as for Legal heirs, Name change, Marriage Registration/Certificate, Birth/Death certificate, Inserting names on property card/7-12 extract, etc.
- Indemnity Bond(s): It is a bond indemnifying an obligee against loss that arises as a result of a failure on the part of a principal to perform as required on his/her behalf. It is required to be submitted in the Service of various private companies/Govt. Sector, Insurance, Educational institute, Share trading, etc.
- Agreements: Agreements are carried out between two or more parties, with appropriate terms and conditions, nature of transactions, liabilities, method of dispute resolution and jurisdiction, etc. Agreements are of various types, for Ex. Service Agreement, Agreement to Sale, Contract Agreement, MOU, Termination Agreement, etc.
- Sale Deed: It is a legal document that showcases the transfer of title, rights, and ownership of a property from a seller to a buyer. It’s a very important document in real estate land property transactions. It is proof that acquires absolute ownership right to the purchased property of the buyer.
- Gift Deed: It is a legal agreement that shows someone wants to gift his/her property or money to someone else without consideration. It may include movable and immovable property. It is voluntarily executed by the donor.
- Partition Deed: It is a deed that will divide up the said property, thereby making each of the co-owners as the rightful owner of that property share. When the property is owned by several individuals, a partition deed makes sure that there is a legal division of the property in each co-owner.
- Will: It is a legal declaration by a person, providing directions for the disposal of his personal property on his demise. A willing deed ensures that the disposal of a person’s property is according to his wishes, thereby, preventing any future dispute between the heirs. It is written by a living person stating his/her wishes to be executed after his/her death.
- Partnership Deed: It is a legal agreement when two or more two people come together to run an enterprise or business. In this document, all the essential terms and conditions related to the business, such as profit/loss sharing, obligations, admission of new partner/s, decided rules, salaries, and exit process, are included.